Occasionally, events will occur in our lives that cause us to stop so that we may reflect and re-evaluate all that which comprises the many facets of our life. These periods cause us to reprioritize things, abandon what does not belong or is making our lives more difficult and stressful, and seek out what truly matters to us. The last couple of months have been such a time in my life. There was no significant 'event' which brought about this time of 'reflection' for me; just a feeling of emptiness; an unexplainable void in my life, which I have just recently found to be a longing for something I had long abandoned. God!
As a child I was raised in a home where God's love was not only preached, but shown with great efforts from both my parents. They raised us with strong Christian morals and values to no avail. What I didn't know or didn't appreciate back then was that being a 'Christian' has less to do with going to church and memorizing Bible verses and more to do with how we love others, how we treat other people. I didn't know or understand that the meaning of 'Christian' is to be 'Christ-like'. I can't say that my current life reflects that very well either, but at least now I am aware...and as they say, that's half the battle...
You may be asking yourself right now, "How does one become 'Christ-like'?" I will only answer with what I believe to be true; if you want to become like someone...you have to know that someone. 'How does one become to 'know' God?' you may ask...well the answer to that is quite simple...read his word!! I heard once that the Bible is God's love letter to us, it's filled with daily words of comfort, encouragement, hope, inspiration, and guidance...a direction manual for life, if you will!
Now before I am flamed as a 'Bible thumper' or any such thing I have to be honest...I am not a Christian, or at least I haven't been living as one for most my life. I am one of those people who has always admitted to 'believing in God' but that was about as far as my faith had matured. I now realize that just 'believing' gets you no where...even Satan 'believes' in God!!
So now you may be wondering what I am doing with this new found appreciation for my faith?, where has it taken me?, what have I learned?, and what does this mean for my life?
When I have all of those questions answered for myself...I will gladly share them!!!
But for now I will leave you with this....
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