Hello everyone :-)... You may had wondered where I've disappeared to?...Or maybe you hadn't noticed my absence at all!!..LOL
Either way, I'm back and ready to push forward in my blogging...not promising; but hoping to keep more current than I have been.
I'm not quite sure how to explain my absence or hiatus, other than to say it was a long winter with lack of sunlight, being stuck indoors...there are probably many things I can attribute my lack of inspiration on and writer's block does happen to the best of us.
With Spring upon us, I thought it was the perfect time to freshen up and inject new life into my blog to help shake off those 'Winter Blues'!!!
As a challenge to my readers I would encourage you to make a small change, make a big change...do something! It will feel refreshing and give you a new perspective!!!
I hope you take the time to look around and see all of the things I'm doing to revitalize my blog...new background, new pictures...and many new posts to come along!!!
On that note I will leave you with one of my favorite new songs...
Yeah your picture of Spring really does make me feel like we're heading into a change of the seasons....I always like to look around me at the changes in nature the four seasons we have in Canada are great to have! Look forward to seeing your future blogs! :)