April 27, 2012

Changing Times...

These days it's no longer the 'little birdy' that told you something...unless you're talking about 'Twitter'.

We keep up on current events through our 'facebook' newsfeed instead of a regular newspaper.

We don't communicate through telephones...instead we IM, Text, facebook message, or email.

We don't rent vhs or dvd's...instead we just press a button from the comfort of our home.

We purchase our favourite songs & albums on  iTunes..instead of the record store.

We read our favorite magazines and novels on e-readers...instead of purchasing the printed versions.

We don't receive our  bills in our mailbox...they now show up in our inbox and are paid electronically.

We don't print pictures anymore...instead they are upload to our facebook albums.

The list could keep going on and on...but the humor of it all....

We then wonder where all of our jobs went!!!

April 15, 2012

Picture Updates...

Kevin, Maddy, & I - Boxing Day 2011

                                                              Dillon - 2012

April 14, 2012

Greetings In 2012...

Wow... It's been a while since my last post...Sorry peeps!!!

Don't worry...I won't get into all of the reasons or excuses of why I haven't had time to blog.

I would just like to start by giving you, and all my readers a very late, but very deserved 'Happy New Year!!!'

I  sincerely hope 2012 has started out great for you all!!! Please keep in mind that we are only four months in...So if it hasn't yet...I'm sure the best is still yet to come!!!

2012 has started out with a few highlights for me...Since January I've had the pleasure of having my Saturdays and Sundays off!!!  I've had the ability to drop my hours at work down to part-time, enabling me to spend more time doing the things I need to get done around the house and have more time for myself and those around me. This year has also brought a renewing and rekindling of a couple friendships!!!

With this year still anew, I am excitedly anticipating what more it has in store!!!

I will try to post here more for those of you that are interested...but for now... I'll leave you with one of my current favourite songs!!

 "I'm Glad You Came"