October 29, 2010

Dear Mom...

"Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her.  Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all."- Proverbs 31:28-29

Dear Mom,

In honor of your birthday, I would like to publicly write a love letter to you.
I hope I tell you enough how much I love you.  
I used to see you through only one set of eyes, through one perspective, through the eyes of a daughter.

Now that I’m a wife and ‘step’ mother, it adds a new dimension.  It helps me to appreciate you even more. It helps me to understand that love that is so deep and heartfelt. You have done so much for me and have always been there for me.  I don't know what my life would had been like without your perseverance through my ailments growing up, as a child I may had taken that for granted.  I want you to know that I now know and understand the amount of patience, energy and love that it must had taken out of you to care for me like you did.  I will forever be grateful to God for giving me such a kind, warm, nurturing and loving mother.  I believe he hand-picked you to be my mother when he thought of me!  

But most of all, you have taught me what love is. You have taught me the true meaning of love. You sacrificed alot for your children. You have taught me that "love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres." 

You need to know that I have never felt a lack of anything. You poured so much of yourself into me. I have always known that I am loved. And, I thank you for that. I only hope that I can fill Kevin & Maddy’s heart with as much love and grace that you have given to me, Tanya, kelli and Dad.

If I have never told you before, you have given me the greatest gift. For, it is your love that helped me to come to Christ. I saw you cling to him in the good and the bad, praising him equally through both. You were the Jesus and the light that I saw. Your love for me and the rest of our family was so self sacrificing, putting us before your own needs all the time. I thank you and admire you for that.

In Proverbs 31, it states that we shall arise and call you blessed but truthfully, it is us that you have blessed. 

I love you.
Your Daughter, Becky

October 24, 2010

Our Game, Our Passion, Our Movie...SCORE!!!

Last night my brother Tait and I went and saw 'Score' the hockey musical. I was delightfully fascinated with both the songs and the story...I know when it comes to DVD it is one that I will purchase for sure!  It has been labeled as “A warm, irreverent and irresistibly goofy love letter to Canada's national pastime.” The Hollywood Reporter, Michael Rechtshaffen

Seventeen-year old Farley (Noah Reid) has the stick-handling skills of the next Sidney Crosby. Not that Farley has any idea who Crosby is. He’s led a sheltered life, homeschooled by parents (Olivia Newton-John and Marc Jordan) whose idea of homework is trips to an art gallery or ashram. His best friend is Eve (Allie MacDonald), the girl who’s lived next door since they were both three. Much to the dismay of his parents, Farley loves to play shinny with the local rink rats (Dave Bidini, Hawksley Workman et al.). To their even greater dismay, Farley is signed to a major hockey league, where he achieves instant stardom, throwing him into a world of hype. Farley soon finds that hockey fame comes with a price, including the expectation to fight. Throw in a changing relationship with Eve – and Farley is losing his way
Special Performance of "Hockey (The Greatest Game)" at TIFF 2010!

October 20, 2010

Congratulations Nana!!!

A few weeks ago my husband and I had the opportunity to gather with his family to witness his Nana become baptized.  For the benefit of my readers, those whom may not be familiar with this procedure, I will explain.

In Christianity, baptism is commonly known as 'ritual washing'.  It is, for the majority, a right of passage, almost always with the use of water and almost always to gain membership into a  particular Denomination of Church.  Baptism has been called a 'sacrament' and an 'ordinance' of  Jesus Christ. It is also said to be a covenant between you and God.  It is believed to be how we show faith in Christ and repent of our sins.  It is also believed to be how we show obedience, to take upon us the name of Christ.

To me, baptism is a way of honoring God, through being immersed into water and brought up again as a new person in Christ, while having an audience of family and friends to witness and support you in your new direction in life.  It symbolizes outwardly your inward intentions.

October 11, 2010

Thankful For Family...

As this Thanksgiving weekend nears it's end, I would like to take a moment and share with all of you that of which I am most thankful for in my life...

I have submitted many posts to this blog; most regarding current events, songs, movies and personal reflections.  Today I am going to write about a few people who are near and dear to my heart...my family.

I will start by first introducing you to my parents, Bob & Faye Richards.  They have been the strong pillar in my life and in the lives of my sisters.  Not only did they just raise us, they loved on us, they taught us, encouraged us, picked us up, dusted us off and helped us back up on our feet when life knocked us down. Tanya, Kelli and I could not have asked or prayed for better parents and I'm honored to call them Mom and Dad!

I am the 'middle' child, growing up in the middle has it's downfalls of course, but we all know about those.  Today I will tell you what advantages it held for me.  I was raised after Tanya..so as that goes my parents learned from the first and parented 'better' with more experience gained. LOL :-)  I was not the oldest so I bared less responsibility for any 'wrong doing', I was not the smallest so I had more experience and knowledge behind me.  I was the first one to get my 'Cool' big sister's hand me downs, her used bicycle..everything that she no longer needed or wanted was mine for the taking!...I even got her waterbed, television and her room in the basement after she moved out!...I was on cloud 9!!! 

I always aspired to be just like my big sister, from the way she did her hair, her makeup, the clothes she wore, the shoes she bought, I even got the same ear piercing on the top of my ear just like her!  Tanya is only 4 years older than me but when I was little it seemed like a bigger gap...I just couldn't wait to be older like she was!...Tanya you are and have always been my 'Super Cool' Big Sista' and age nor distance will ever change that!

Another advantage to being in the 'middle', not only do I have an older sister...I also get to be a 'big sister'.  Kelli and I only had a two year age gap so we experienced pretty much the same in everything....same bed time, similar homework, parallel problems and struggles going through school and with friends.  We had the ability to share all of that together, which created a bond between us that will always be strong!  Kelli, you and I grew up together, we played together, we laughed together and cried together...you will always and forever be my kindred spirit!

Next, I would like to introduce you to my nephew and niece, Wyatt & Jaden.  I remember my Dad picking me up from Junior High with the news that I was an Auntie of a 7 lb. 11oz. baby boy...Wyatt.  I met him for the first time that very next day and was overtaken with love for the little dude..I just couldn't wait to hold him, to kiss him...he was and is so precious!  Once my sister was home and back to herself , I was more than eager to let my sister go out so I could watch him and spend time with him.  I remember my first time changing his diaper he peed on me!...He's always had a great sense of humor!!..LOL....Wyatt you came into this world and have been such a blessing not only to your Mom, but to the whole family as-well...I just know that you will not leave this world without changing something for the better!
Jaden, you are a precious angel.  I remember being on the phone with your mom as she was walking the halls in the hospital waiting for your arrival...she just couldn't wait to meet you!  You have always had such a similar attitude and personality of your Mom when she was growing up..it makes me smile when I look at you and see her 22 years ago!  Yet, you also have a very quiet and shy side...I think you got that from your Dad! :-)
Jaden, you are such a little darling, a princess...never forget that!...Make sure you hold high expectations when it comes to boys..you are a Precious Gem...Make sure you are treated as such!!!...And NEVER 'settle' for less!!!!

I am going to end this here, even though I've only mentioned my 'immediate' family I would like everyone to know that I hold just as much love in my heart for the rest of my family: My husband Kevin...not a day goes by that I don't thank God I have you by my side!, My brother-in-law Tait...you are my brother, my friend and my life would not be the same without you!, My brother-in-law Dallas...you can make me smile and laugh like no one else can!..I am honored to call you brother!...Greg..my sister is more than blessed to have you in her life, your appreciation for her and your love for Wyatt and Jaden is very apparent, you are part of the family, I think of you like a brother!  Grandma...without you this post would not be possible...thank you for being you, for choosing to have children, for raising my Dad to be the man he is today, for being one of the strongest pillars in the family..even though you may never read this, I want you to know that most of all my fondest childhood memories have you in them!...Thank you! Last, but certainly not least, Uncle Doug...you have been there for me and my family since day 1...always willing and able to help, to support, to encourage, to teach and to love...I want you to know that not an ounce of that went unforgotten or unappreciated!..We have all been so blessed to have you as a part of our family!!

October 10, 2010

Happy Birthday Jessica...

Birthday Reflections

Your birthday's a time for careful reflection
About your life, and its future direction.
You see where you've been when you look at the past;
Most of it's great; you had quite a blast!

You wonder what's coming, what life has in store;
Will it be just the same? Will there be a new door?
Remember this, as you blow out the last candle:
Life holds no challenge that you cannot handle.

By Joanna Fuchs

Dear Jessica,

      Although we've been friends for many a year, we've laughed in the good times and shed many a tear.

We pick each other up when we fall down, you make me smile when I'm wearing a frown.

No one else knows all my secrets like you do; as I know all your dreams, and hope they come true!

Fourteen years our friendship has lasted; it's weathered rain & storm, tribulations have tested.

We walk together, strong in our resolve, to make this thing work, defying all odds.

I will end this poem on a high note; I wish you a Happy Birthday and hope you've enjoyed what I wrote.

Your Friend,

Here are some of the pictures I took at your party...

October 7, 2010

'Just The Way You Are'...

This song 'Just the way you are' by Bruno Mars has become one of my favorite songs.  And, because those of you who are reading this right now happen to be my 'favorite people', I feel I must share.   Every-time it comes on the radio I can't help but turn it up and sing along. In my opinion, it has the potential to be classified as the classic love song of today...I find it not only refreshing, but relevant to the heart of what many women today are thinking and feeling...the constant struggle of finding ourselves, proving ourselves, validating ourselves, even loving ourselves...the words in this song beautifully portray what we women all need to hear...enjoy!!

Comic Relief...

Tim Allen is an American comedian, actor, voice-over artist, and entertainer, known for his role in the sitcom Home Improvement. He is also known for his film roles in several popular movies, including the Toy Story series, The Santa Clause, and Galaxy Quest.

Most of us grew up watching 'Home Improvement', laughing along with all of the misadventures of 'Tim The Tool Man Taylor' .  We found common ground with his family in their day to day life and were able to relate to some of their relevant challenges.  As an audience, we had the unique ability to grow with the 'Taylor' family from the start of the first season to the end in the eighth season.  

In 1994 Tim Allen played Scott Calvin, an ordinary man, who accidentally causes Santa Claus to fall from his roof on Christmas Eve and being knocked unconscious. When he and his young son finish Santa's trip and deliveries, they go to the North Pole, where Scott learns he must become the new Santa and convince those he loves that he is indeed, Father Christmas.

Just recently my husband and I had the opportunity to view Tim Allen as 'comedian' at the GM Center right here in our home town of Oshawa!  We laughed along with hundreds of fellow 'Allen' fans young & old, while at the same time getting to know him on a more personal basis, through his hilarious re-captions of his life growing up as well as through his memories of past characters he has played.

Tim Allen has had his hand in many a movie & television show over the past 30 years.  He has had the opportunity to become different people throughout playing different roles and characters. Something that has never changed and cannot be overlooked, is his incessant ability to make people laugh!

It was while watching him the other night on stage and as his 'comedian', that I realized how important people like Tim are in this world.  He may only be 'one man',  but he has affected many! 

Laughter is the Best Medicine

                              THE HEALTH BENEFITS OF HUMOR AND LAUGHTER

Humor & Laughter: Health Benefits & Online Sources
Humor is infectious. The sound of roaring laughter is far more contagious than any cough, sniffle, or sneeze. When laughter is shared, it binds people together and increases happiness and intimacy. In addition to the domino effect of joy and amusement, laughter also triggers healthy physical changes in the body. Humor and laughter strengthen your immune system, boost your energy, diminish pain, and protect you from the damaging effects of stress. Best of all, this priceless medicine is fun, free, and easy to use.

October 2, 2010

Let's 'face' it...

Most of us wake up every morning, login to our facebook account and check our 'wall', update our 'status'  create 'events', share pictures, play interactive games, and keep updated with all of our family, friends, & coworkers with only a few clicks of the mouse!  In no other generation has this been a possibility! But, thanks to 'Mark Zuckerberg' (founder & CEO) not only is this a possibility...it's a REALITY!!! 

Facebook is a social networking website launched in February 2004 that is operated and privately owned by Facebook, Inc., with more than 500 million active users in July 2010, which is about one person for every fourteen in the world. Users can add people as friends and send them messages, and update their personal profiles to notify friends about themselves. Additionally, users can join networks organized by workplace, school, or college. The website's name stems from the colloquial name of books given to students at the start of the academic year by university administrations in the US with the intention of helping students to get to know each other better.

Facebook was founded by Mark Zuckerberg with his college roommates and fellow computer science students Eduardo Saverin, Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes. The website's membership was initially limited by the founders to Harvard students, but was expanded to other colleges in the Boston area, the Ivy League, and Stanford University. It gradually added support for students at various other universities before opening to high school students, and, finally, to anyone aged 13 and over.

Let's 'face' it!...Our generation, our world, as we have all come to know and love, would just not be the same without our beloved 'facebook'. We, 60 million users statistically spend a daily average of 55 minutes per day viewing over 14 billion facebook pages per month!!  I once read somewhere that facebook receives more 'views' than Google!!!    If you have ever wondered how this social phenomenon first took root, you may enjoy 'The Social Network'. (The Social Network is a 2010 drama film about the founding of the Internet social networking website Facebook. The film was directed byDavid Fincher and features an ensemble cast—Jesse Eisenberg, Andrew Garfield, Justin Timberlake, Brenda Song, Max Minghella, Rooney Mara, and Armie Hammer.) 

It just hit theaters today and I had the privilege of being one of the first to see it. I have to say, it was worth every penny spent aswell as every moment of anticipation!!  I, for one, would like to give a HUGE Thank You to the Founder and CEO of facebook 'Mark Zuckerburg' he has forever changed the way in which our world interacts!!!